Day 8 – 01-03-2025
Today, Day 8, our adventure began with a crisp -10 degrees Celsius. Our coffee was frozen when we took the cup out of the car 😊 After a cozy breakfast, we set off towards Nordkapp. The water in the car was also deeply frozen, and although the route today was relatively short, the snow and covered roads made driving a bit slower. The temperatures dropped to -17 degrees at times, and without a hat or gloves, you wouldn’t voluntarily go outside. Fortunately, we had electric hand warmers that were gifted to us before departure and are now super useful.

For lunch, we stopped at a small truck stop. Today’s drive was like a winter fairy tale – meters of snow and shrubs and trees covered in white. We made several photo stops, including one at Smørfjord, where there is a small Sami place where you can buy traditional Sami items in the summer.

Actually, our goal today was only Honningsvåg, but the weather was so good that we drove straight to Nordkapp. Despite the sunshine, it was icy cold up there due to the strong wind. We met with Team #29 to complete today’s challenge – building a snowman. One team brought coal, the other a carrot. However, when the bag was opened, Team 29 found that it had dried out during the ride and was barely there. Nevertheless, we completed the task with lots of laughter, and our Nordkapp snowman got a place in the car for the photo for the challenge. 😊

From the Nordkapp back to Honningsvåg the weather changed suddenly, so we faced some very strong winds with snowdrift.
In Honningsvåg we meet with the other teams again in the evening. For dinner, we enjoyed a delicious shellfish soup in a small café. Overall, we drove about 260 km today and spent about 4.5 hours effectively in the car, with stops and lunch we were on the road for about 8 hours.

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