Even though we plan to primarily stay in accommodations such as cabins, guesthouses, or hotels during the rally, we must be prepared to spend the occasional night in the car. Due to the expected cold temperatures at the Arctic Circle, a tent or similar option is not feasible for us. Therefore, we have opted for an air mattress solution for the trunk. There are plenty of models and variants to choose from, and you can usually find ones specifically designed for your vehicle type.
To ensure we are technically prepared, we inflated the air mattress and tested it out. Frank, always up for a challenge, volunteered as the test subject and immediately lay down on the mattress. His first impression? “It’s surprisingly comfortable!” We believe we can comfortably spend a night in the car without any issues.
Have you ever spent a night in your car? How was your experience? Let us know in the comments!
We are very excited to see how this setup will work in practice during the rally. Stay tuned for our updates and stories from the road!

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